Alexander Zemlinsky: Lyric Symphony

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • Lyrická symfonie
    Zemlinského sedm písní pro baryton, soprán a orchestr, propojených do jednoho celku, přednesli se SOČRem německá sopranistka Johanna Winkel a český basbarytonista světového renomé, pravidelný spolupracovník rozhlasových symfoniků Adam Plachetka. Pod vedením Alexandera Liebreicha společně provedli Lyrickou symfonii dlouholetého šéfdirigenta Nové německé opery. Dílo na texty indického básníka Rabíndranátha Thákura, které je spíše velkým písňovým cyklem než symfonií v tradičním slova smyslu, mělo premiéru roku 1924 v Praze. Jeho provedení působivě zakončilo 94.sezonu SOČRu.
    Symfonický orchestr Českého rozhlasu -
    Dvořákova síň Rudolfina, 14. 6. 2021
    Alexander Liebreich - dirigent
    Johanna Winkel - soprán
    Adam Plachetka - basbaryton
    Zemlinsky's seven songs for baritone, soprano and orchestra, linked into one whole, were performed with the PRSO by excellent German soprano Johanna Winkel and the Czech bass-baritone of world renown and a regular performer with the Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra, Adam Plachetka. Together with conductor Alexander Liebreich, they performed the Lyric Symphony from the long-standing Chief Conductor of the New German Opera. The work, on texts from Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore, which is more of a large song cycle than a symphony in the traditional sense of the word, had its premiere in Prague in 1924. Its performance impressively ended the 94th season of the PRSO.
    Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra -
    Dvořák hall, Rudolfinum, Prague - 14 June 2021
    Alexander Liebreich - conductor
    Johanna Winkel - soprano
    Adam Plachetka - bass baritone
    Created by Avidis

Комментарии • 9

  • @marcelouz1
    @marcelouz1 Год назад +2

    It is definitely a relatively complex work with a certain degree of atonalism, it is the first time I have heard it and, I think to fully understand it, it is important to listen it several times. According to the information obtained, it was written between 1922 and 1923 and performed in Prague. in 1924.with the same composer.
    The sung texts are taken from The Gardener by Rabindranath Tagore in a German translation by Hans Effenberger.
    definitely the end of this Lyric Symphony is the "Friede, mein Herz ("Peace, my heart"), is the most sublime part of this masterpiece .
    Extraordinary interpretation of the soloists and the great orchestra used. BRAVO!

  • @amaralvieira2274
    @amaralvieira2274 Год назад +3


  • @damianoskailoglou6869
    @damianoskailoglou6869 Год назад +3

    Excellent performance!!

  • @lindametelka5172
    @lindametelka5172 Год назад +1

    what a sublime piece, esp the end where floats away

  • @jamescecil3563
    @jamescecil3563 4 месяца назад

    What a soaring thing! Blustering dynamic moments that melt into something haunting and sublime.

  • @ArionedeWinter
    @ArionedeWinter 7 месяцев назад

    It soars!

  • @Flavio9691
    @Flavio9691 Год назад

    1. Ich bin friedlos
    2. O Mutter, der junge Prinz
    3. Du bist die Abendwolke
    4. Sprich zu mir Geliebter
    5. Befrei mich von den Banden deiner Süße
    6. Vollende denn das letzte Lied
    7. Friede, mein Herz

  • @ShoyuTao
    @ShoyuTao 11 месяцев назад

    Jodie Foster on French Horn!!😁

  • @voxinabox2422
    @voxinabox2422 Год назад

    Man I’ve been to zemlinskys death place, so cool to here his music